Prestige Chihuahuas (2025)

1. Prestige Chihuahuas | AKC chihuahua puppy for sale | Florida ...

  • Welcome to Prestige Chihuahuas! . We are a small breeder and exhibitor of AKC only registered Chihuahuas and Rhodesian Ridgebacks from Champion pedigree ...

  • Chihuahua breeder & exhibitor of quality well tempered AKC Chihuahuas Puppies - Florida akc Chihuahua puppies for sale Florida, Prestige Chihuahuas

2. Prestige Chihuahua's - Facebook

  • Prestige Chihuahua's. 692 likes. Here at Prestige Chihuahua's we are hobby breeders all are dogs are all Full pedigree and kc registered please do check...

  • See posts, photos and more on Facebook.

3. Chihuahua breeder & exhibitor of quality well tempered AKC ...

4. Prestige Chihuahuas in Florida - Good Dog

  • We are located on the Eastern Coast of Florida in Brevard County. All of our dogs are raised in our home under foot with consistent and positive interaction.

  • Get to know Prestige Chihuahuas in Florida. See puppy photos, reviews, health information. Easy to apply. Find the best Chihuahua and Rhodesian Ridgeback for you.

Prestige Chihuahuas in Florida - Good Dog

5. Stephanie VanGilder (Prestige Chihuahuas) - Facebook

  • Spoken for - CH Prestige's Livin' On A Prayer - “Jovi” Proven stud and fully health tested OFA / CHIC certified. DOB 2-15-2021 and he is 3 lbs 12 oz. Located in ...

  • See posts, photos and more on Facebook.

6. Our Boys | destinychis - Destiny Chihuahuas

  • Can't wait to get his puppies in the ring. Co-owned with Stephanie VanGilder of Prestige Chihuahuas. ​. Leo is available at Stud to approved bitches.

  • Our Boys Click On Their Picture To Be Taken To Their Individual Page

Our Boys | destinychis - Destiny Chihuahuas

7. De chihuahua: het kleinste hondenras ter wereld. - Euro-Premium

  • Een trouwe en actieve hond. Chihuahua's zijn enorm trouw. Ze zijn permanent alert, dus ondanks hun kleine gestalte zijn het goeie waakhonden die wel eens durven ...

  • Lees hier meer over het deze kleine hond en ontdek of een langharige chihuahua of kortharige chihuahua goed bij jou zou passen.

8. Chihuahua t-shirts | Unieke designs - Spreadshirt

  • Grote keuze voor chihuahua t-shirts gecreëerd door getalenteerde designers » Veel maten, kleuren & styles ✓ Bij Spreadshirt bestellen.

  • Grote keuze voor chihuahua t-shirts gecreëerd door getalenteerde designers » Veel maten kleuren & styles ✓ Bij Spreadshirt bestellen

Chihuahua t-shirts | Unieke designs - Spreadshirt

9. Premium Hospitality Areas | Chihuahuas -

  • Located just above field level beyond third base; Close to the Chihuahuas bullpen and the action out in left field; Multi-level seating area for guests to ...

  • Premium Hospitality Areas

Premium Hospitality Areas | Chihuahuas -

10. Best Dog Food for Chihuahua - American Natural Premium

  • American Natural Premium is the best dog food for Chihuahua dogs because it has a high-quality formula that meets the unique nutritional needs of this breed.

  • Discover the best dog food for Chihuahua dogs with our guide! Ensure optimum health with American Natural Premium, the all-natural, premium dog food.

Best Dog Food for Chihuahua - American Natural Premium

11. Premium Paintings - Chihuahua in Kopje - Hond - Pakket... - Bol

  • Premium Paintings - Chihuahua in Kopje - Diamond Painting Volwassenen - Hond - Pakket Volledig / Pakket Full - 30x40 cm. Voordelen van Premium...

Premium Paintings - Chihuahua in Kopje - Hond - Pakket... - Bol

12. Chihuahua | Chihuahuas Humor van de Hond van de Liefde - Spreadshirt

  • Design 'Chihuahua | Chihuahuas Humor van de Hond van de Liefde' op Mannen premium T-shirt, kleur zwart + meer kleuren, maat S-5XL bij Spreadshirt ...

  • Design 'Chihuahua | Chihuahuas Humor van de Hond van de Liefde' op Mannen premium T-shirt, kleur zwart + meer kleuren, maat S-5XL bij Spreadshirt » personaliseerbaar ✓ eenvoudig retourneren ✓

Chihuahua | Chihuahuas Humor van de Hond van de Liefde - Spreadshirt
Prestige Chihuahuas (2025)


What is the most expensive Chihuahua? ›

Specialized puppies, like “teacup” Chihuahuas, usually cost extra. You can typically find puppies in most areas for around $375 – $2,420. The most expensive dogs usually belong to show bloodlines and line up with breed standards the best. You can also purchase a puppy from an unprofessional breeder.

What are the rarest Chihuahuas? ›

White is, arguably, the rarest color of Chihuahua around. An albino Chihuahua isn't the same thing as a white one, but both are the result of a lack of pigmentation. The white Chihuahua lack melanocytes, which give the coat its pigmentation, but retain the eumelanin needed to give them black eyes, noses, and paws.

What is the biggest breed of Chihuahua? ›

Deer head Chihuahuas are generally larger in size than their apple head counterparts. They can stand up to a foot tall and weigh up to 10-12 lbs, which is roughly twice as much as apple heads weigh. Their legs and necks are longer as well, giving them a more elegant appearance.

Are male or female Chihuahuas nicer? ›

Personality / Character

Female Chihuahuas aren't quite as warm and fuzzy as males are, and they can be quite standoffish with everyone except their favorite human. They don't demand as much attention and are more likely to be happy when left to their own devices.

Are male or female Chihuahuas more expensive? ›

Buying or adopting a Chihuahua

Females and males typically go for the same price. The price may also reflect vaccinations, veterinary puppy care, spaying/neutering, and testing performed before the puppy is ready for adoption.

What is a golden Chihuahua? ›

There's no shortage of dog breeds. From purebred pooches to amazing mutts, there's a dog for everyone, but some breeds are a bit more unique than others. One of them is the Golden Chi, the result of a golden retriever mixed with a chihuahua.

What is the most unique Chihuahua? ›

Sometimes the cream Chihuahua is also confused with a pure all-white Chihuahua. However, a cream Chihuahua will have those deep, dark black eyes that you can get lost in and a black nose. So there you have it! The rarest and most unique Chihuahua of all is the pure all-white Chihuahua.

What is the longest living Chihuahua breed? ›

Chihuahua. At the very top of the list of the longest-living dog breeds, this curious and bright dog from the Toy Group can live even more than 20 years, although the average life expectancy of the breed is around 16 years.

What is the smartest dog Chihuahua? ›

Are Chihuahuas smarter than other dogs? There is a study by neuropsychologist and professor of psychology, Stanley Cohen, that says Chihuahuas are classified as fair or below average for working/obedience dog intelligence. Chihuahuas are actually ranked 125th out of 138 breeds tested.

Why do Chihuahuas shake? ›

Although Chihuahuas are the tiniest breed of dogs, they produce a lot of energy because of their fast metabolism. These dogs burn three times as many calories as other canines. This can cause shivering or shaking as a 'side effect.

Why is my purebred Chihuahua so big? ›

As is the case with many toy dog breeds, Chihuahuas will usually reach their full adult height and most of their adult weight within nine months. After nine months, any significant weight gain may be due to overfeeding or other health problems and should be discussed with your pet's veterinarian.

Do Chihuahuas choose one person? ›

One-Person Dogs: Chihuahuas tend to form deep bonds with one particular person, often becoming fiercely loyal companions. This trait makes them incredibly devoted to their chosen human, showering them with affection and unwavering loyalty.

Do Chihuahuas love more than one person? ›

Chihuahuas are indeed capable of building deep connections, but they often have a penchant for singling out one member of the household as their “person.” This doesn't mean they don't care about others, but rather, they have a unique way of showing undivided loyalty and affection to the one they feel closest to.

Where do Chihuahuas like to be pet the most? ›

Chihuahuas often like being petted on the back of the neck, under the chin, and at the base of the tail. In addition, try massaging your dog's back and shoulders. Your Chihuahua may not like having its ears, nose, legs, or tail touched.

How much is a Mexican Chihuahua worth? ›

Adoption or Buying: $50 – $2450

If you're looking for a specialty variety or a show-quality Chihuahua with champion bloodlines, you might pay a premium price that can exceed $2,000.

How much do apple head Chihuahuas cost? ›

The cost just for the dog can vary enormously. If you're looking for a purebred apple head, with AKC pedigree, and in a desirable coat and color, then the price can easily be over $600, if not well into the thousands.

How much is a lavender Chihuahua? ›

Chocolate, diluted chocolate, lavender, brindle, blue, blue brindle or blue/fawn male chihuahuas are priced at 4500$ to 5500$.

How much is a deer head Chihuahua? ›

Deer head Chihuahuas can be expensive because they are a specific type of Chihuahua. Puppies can range between $300 and $1200, depending on the breeder you are purchasing from and the lineage of the dog.


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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

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Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.