Why did Jesus say, “I have called you friends” in John 15:15? (2024)

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In John 15:1–17, Jesus illustrates His relationship with believers: He is the “true vine,” and we are the “branches.” Christ is the center and source of the Christian life. The key to a healthy and productive relationship with Him is abiding in Jesus because, apart from Him, we can do nothing (verses 4–8). Obedience is another vital element to the vibrant love relationship we share with Him (verses 9–12). That obedience stems not from a sense of obligation or servitude but from a bond of friendship: “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you” (verses 13–15).

Christ’s statement, “I have called you friends,” must have deeply moved the disciples since only Abraham and Moses were called God’s friends in Scripture (Exodus 33:11; 2 Chronicles 20:7; Isaiah 41:8; James 2:23). Jesus credits the disciples’ promotion to friendship status to their becoming privy to His insider teachings: “A master doesn’t confide in his slaves. Now you are my friends, since I have told you everything the Father told me” (John 15:15, NLT).

Disclosing confidential information has been a feature of close friendships since the beginning of time. God shared His previously undisclosed plans with Abraham (Genesis 18:16–22) and spoke privately with Moses face to face (Exodus 33:11). Now, as friends of Jesus Christ, believers have the extraordinary opportunity to get to know God intimately. He takes us into His confidence (Psalm 145:18; James 4:8; Revelation 3:20). As members of His inner circle, the Lord lets us in on the secret mysteries of God (Ephesians 1:9; Romans 16:25). Jesus makes known to us everything He has learned from the Father. Christians receive unrestricted access to the truth, although we are limited by our ability to comprehend it all (John 16:12).

While Jesus is our Lord and Master, and we are His willing servants (Luke 12:35–36; 1 Corinthians 7:22; Colossians 3:23–24; Ephesians 6:6; 1 Peter 2:16), our relationship with Him takes on a different quality than mere Master and slave. A slave or bondservant was expected to obey his master’s orders without explanation. Because Jesus calls us into a loving alliance, we are privileged to partake of His divine revelation (Hebrews 1:1–2; John 1:18; 14:10; 17:6). With “those who fear him,” the Lord holds nothing back (Isaiah 50:4; Psalm 25:14; John 8:31–32; 14:7).

In Jesus, we have the greatest possible friend. He loves us so much that He was willing to lay down His life on the cross to save us (John 3:16; 5:13; Romans 5:7–8). He is the “Good Shepherd” who “lays down his life for the sheep” (John 10:11). He is “a friend who sticks closer than a brother” (Proverbs 18:24) and a faithful companion who “will never leave [us] nor forsake [us]” (Joshua 1:5). He loves us “to the very end” (John 13:1), which in the original language means He loves us “to love’s fullest extent and uttermost limit.”

Because Jesus said, “I have called you friends,” we ought to treasure that relationship by drawing near to Him every day, spending time in His Word, learning what He wants to teach us about the Father, obeying His commands, abiding in Him, bearing fruit, and doing “the good things he planned for us long ago” (Ephesians 2:10). We have the privilege and honor of being called His friends only because of His grace in choosing us (John 15:16).

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Why did Jesus say, “I have called you friends” in John 15:15? (2024)


Why did Jesus say, “I have called you friends” in John 15:15? ›

I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you: They were friends because Jesus didn't keep secrets from them, but openly revealed what He had received from God the Father.

What did Jesus mean when he said I call you friend? ›

God's intent for our lives is to progress from barrenness to fruitfulness, to spiritual abundance. Jesus also repeats His command for believers to love each other. In this context, He goes so far as to refer to those who follow His teachings as His "friends."

Why did Jesus call his disciples friends? ›

In John's Gospel, Jesus expresses His unity with us as the true Vine, in whose love we are to remain. Jesus says, “I no longer call you slaves, because a slave does not know what his master is doing. I have called you friends, because I have told you everything I have heard from my Father” (John 15:15).

What is the meaning of John 15 15? ›

In conclusion, John 15:15 (KJV) is a powerful and profound declaration of friendship from Jesus to his disciples. It marks a significant shift in their relationship, from servants to friends, and signifies the deep love, trust, and intimacy that Jesus desires to have with those who follow him.

What does it mean to be called a friend of Jesus? ›

The fruit of friendship with Christ consists of acts of peacemaking, works of forgiveness and reconciliation and restorative justice, deeds of healing and compassion. This is why Jesus could say, “You are my friends if you do what I command.” And, of course, what Jesus commands is love (John 15:12,17)

What does it mean to be called friend? ›

Webster defines a friend as a person who has a strong liking for and trust in another, or a person who is not an enemy.

What is God's definition of a friend? ›

When Jesus tells his disciples, "You are my friends if you do what I command" ( John 15:14 ), the components of association, loyalty, and affection all appear. If one can be a friend of God or of God's Son, this friendship can extend as well to others who are also friends of God.

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There are two primary reasons Jesus chose them. First, they served as eyewitnesses. They were with Jesus. They witnessed His ministry and resurrection.

Who does God call a friend? ›

In the book of Isaiah, God refers to Abraham as “my friend” (Isaiah 41:8, ESV). In Exodus we learn that “the Lord used to speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend” (33:11). And in the Gospel of John, Jesus calls his disciples “friends” (15:15).

What is the importance of John 15? ›

He presents the analogy of a vine and branches, then repeats His command for believers to love each other. Jesus also warns about how the unbelieving world will hate and persecute Christians. This leads into the teachings of chapter 16, which focus on perseverance in the face of trials.

What is the prayer for John 15 15? ›

Father in heaven, fill my heart with your love through your Holy Spirit that dwells in me. Motivate me to share that love with your children. Give me the courage to love others sacrificially as you have loved me. Help me produce fruit that will abide through all eternity.

What does 15 mean in the Bible? ›

"The Meaning of Numbers: The Number 15

The number 15 in the Bible pictures rest, which comes after deliverance, represented by fourteen. The 15th day of the first Hebrew month (Nisan) is the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, a day of rest for the children of Israel (and for Christians).

What kind of fruit is Jesus talking about in John 15? ›

4:34), so too are Jesus' disciples to abide in Jesus if they are to bear spiritual fruit. Interestingly, the primary fruit of which Jesus speaks in John 15 is the first aspect of the Holy Spirit's fruit in the life of a believer; namely, love (in John 15, vv. 9-17, and in Galatians 4, v. 22).

Why did Jesus call them friends? ›

To the confused disciples at the last supper Jesus said: “I do not call you servants any longer, because the servant does not know what the master is doing; but I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything that I have heard from my Father” (15:15).

Who did Jesus call a friend? ›

Jesus calls Judas, “friend.” Jesus has shown Judas great trust. He has numbered him among the Twelve. He has confided to him the common purse. The word “friend” conveys a certain intimacy.

How is Jesus described as a friend? ›

Throughout the Bible, God is described as having many of the characteristics of a friend, but Jesus is described explicitly in the Gospels as a friend. Jesus describes Himself as a friend of His followers, and others described Him as being a friend of sinners. 9 “As the Father has loved me, I have also loved you.

Who did Jesus call as my friend in the Bible? ›

Jesus calls Judas, “friend.” Jesus has shown Judas great trust. He has numbered him among the Twelve. He has confided to him the common purse. The word “friend” conveys a certain intimacy.

How many times did Jesus call someone friend? ›

In fact, in all the New Testament this word is only used two other times. Both of which are found in Matthew. Matthew 20:13 – “Friend, I am doing you no wrong.

Who does Jesus reference as his friend? ›

Lazarus is also given this title in John 11:11: “This He said, and after that He said to them, 'Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep; but I go, so that I may awaken him out of sleep. '” Lazarus is the only individual character in the Fourth Gospel explicitly identified by name as Jesus's friend.


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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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