The Central New Jersey Home News from New Brunswick, New Jersey (2024)

Friday, June 1, 1917. New Brunswick, N. J. THE DAILY HOME NEWS are Shorstop Fishburn and Catcher Lees. Pitcher Vincent Molyneaux, of Vil- STAR IRSDEN ELLIOT! IS COLLEGE STARS lanova, has been looked over by sev Stretch Meehan, Star on Basketball Court, Too Big for Marines A chance to enlist a man who would attract attention in the ranks anywhere In the world, for hia size eral big league scouts within the last two years.

He was given a trial by I the Phillies in morning practices last I year. Molyneaux had one or two, new it BLAIR I MINI oners irom eague warns ims tasu, i NOW GUNNER'S MATE ON SHIP i and physical development, was passed up by the marine corps when Francis P. Meehan, better known as RUTGERS PP ES I LEA The Rutgers reserves will combat with the Blair Academy team in what promise's to be a fine game on Nellson Field to-morrow afternoon. Though the varsity nine was disbanded some weeks ago, the reserves have managed to keep a strong nine together, and on 1. Altmatt Ok Another Special Sale of Womeo95TailorinniadeSiuiits presenting unprecedented values at $19.00 5s now' being held Women's Ready-to-wear Suits (Third Floor) "Stretch" of 177 South Eleventh street, Newark, son of Captain James F.

Meehan of the Police Department, was rejected. Mehan, who Is in his second year at Seton Hall College, where he is a star basketball player, presented himself for enlistment at the recruiting station in Market street? Newark, a few days ago, bending low in order to pass through the door, for he is six feet six inches in height. Earl McManus, the officer in charge, nearly jumped out of his chair with surprise and grabbed for an application Mehan is a fine physical specimen, but he is over the maximum height. Bob Elliott, Rutgers' smashing halfback of the past two seasons is meeting with rapid advancement in the United States Navy. He enlisted as a second class seaman a short time after the U.

S. declared hostilities against Germany, and has now been promoted to gunner's mate on a battleship, i Elliott is in the four year term, and even if the war on-European fields terminates abruptly before next fall, he will not- be available for the football team. Kiiintt. whn.McManus had him examined ana lm- but wi.nts to finish his college work. Johnny Ogden.

Swarthmore's speed-ball pitcher, has also attracted considerable attention. The Phillies and Athletics have been weeping a close watch on Ogden's work for the last two years, and oply a few weeks ago the Cubs sent Jimmy Sheckard, the former outfield star, out to Swarth-mure to take a peep at the big righthander. It just happened that Ogden diidi not pitch that day, but Sheckard liked Jhe looks of Second Baseman AlHo! Cornog. and sent in a strong recommendation for the former Radnor High youth. Praises Swigler's Pitching.

Pe'nn played Swarthnrore that day, and Ad Swlg'er was sent against Ames. The garnet made but two Infield singles off Swigler, and the Cubs' t-cout also put In a word of pratad for him and Johnny White, Ponn's young shorstop. White is only a sophom*ore at Penn, but Coach Thomas, of the varsity, and Doctor Carlss, who tutors the freshmen, consider White one of the most promising shortstops wUo. has ever won the red and blue. Captain Howard Berry, Penn'g all-around player, has also received several big league offers during the last two The Perm pitching staff this year is the best balanced that Coach Thomas as ever had.

Star Flingr at Williams. Wil'iams College, which is coached this-your hy Ira Thomas, has a promising pitcher in Young. Ira thinks he will be ready for big league work In another year. He held Penn to two hits, but lost 4 to 0. In the same game Johnny Titzel allowed Williams but two singles.

Shortstop Clark, of the Williams team, is also a likely looking Megian. was in town a few days ago says mediately telepraphed to Washington describing his find and asking au he likes the navy. Wednesday lost a thirteen-inning, 2 to 1 game to the Peddle Institute 'team. Blair Academy has one of the best preparatory school teams in the State, having defeated Carlton Academy, which claims the championship. The team is quipped with Marsden, one of the best school boy pitchers In the State.

He will oppose the Rutgers team. He twirled a no-hlt game against Rutgers Prep, and also defeated Delnzer, the local tnr, in a 1 to 0 duel some weeks ago. He has many other notable pitching achievements to hia credit. As Bill Gray will occupy the mound for the local aggregation, a brilliant pitching engagement is anticipated. Gray will undoubtedly become the Rutgers varsity slabblst next season.

He twirled effectively against Brown and Trinity, and against Peddle fanned fifteen men and allowed but live hits In thirteen innings. In practicing a few days ago, he wrenched his back, which handicapped him somewhat in Wednesday's game, but under Jake Besas' treatment the Although the big league scouts have irot hau much of a college territory to cover this year on account of the war Bituaticn, there are more than a score of players in the east that have attracted the attention of the big-time gumshoe men. Johnny Dugan, Holy Cross' sensational second bnseman, was the most-sought-after player, and has been land ed by the Athletics. At least six big league teams tried to snare the hardhitting youth, who is playing his tlrst year of college baseball. The Phillies Cubs, Braves, Red Sox and Pirates were also camping on Dtigan's trail, but It seems that Connie Mck tied the youth up through his father some time ago.

Dugan will finish Ms college career tlrst. Outfielder Wtgglesworth, also of Holy Cross, has been BCouted this eeason. Pitt Pitcher in Demand. Pitcher Iangdon, of the University of Pittsburgh team, Is another collegian in demand. Langdon, who is also captain of the Pitt team, has gned with the St.

Louis Nationals. Several other clubs 'ooked him over, including the Pirates and Phillies. Carlson, captain-elect of the Pitt football team, who plays an inlleld position tin the nine, has been hitting above the 400 mark all season, and looks pood enough for a trial in fast company. Rodgers, the big fullback and star ehortstop of the niversity of Virginia, is understood to have agreed to terms with the Athletics. Rodgers has been one of West Virginia's hardest hitters all season.

He is about six feet tall and weighs 195 pounds. The Athletics recently signed Catcher Connie Murphy, of Dartmouth. Lehigh Ha Two Start. Lehigh has tiyo players who have, attracted the attention of scouts. They Luke Watertleld, the Rutgers varsity baseball pitcher, has also enlisted in the Navy, but has not been called to service as yet.

The reason Luke has not been called, though be passed his physical examinations is due to the fact, it is declared, that the navy has not at present facilities for training more men. This admission wis elicited today in connection with the announcement that the NaVy Department had contracted for land at Chicago, adjoining the naval training station tm Ink thority to enlist him. Later came a reply by wire with the laconic statement: "Impracticable to keep supplied with clothes. Authority not granted." This was from the commandant, and was final. Meehan is, twenty-one years old and weighs 200 pounds, He has passed the examination for the Officers Reserve Corps of the army.

"Stretch" Mehan Is well known in Middlesex County, having played on the South Amboy Riversides last season. He was prevented from completing the season with Seton Hall, as he was charged with playing professional basketball on the side: The suspension came after Rutgers cancelled a game with Seton Hall, though the charge was not preferred by the Rutgers authorities. iiciiuu mo io go oack, and the there. Secretary of the Navy Daniels wwia mcu leu me neiu. UMllla uiua.ll IHlCliea niS Usual said that barracks would be; con good game, and Hart twirled fine for the Owls until the eleventh when structed at once and that the new accommodations will make it possible for the navy to accept more enlistments and provide for the men.

injury has come around all right, Just how Rutgers will line up is indefinite, but there are still enough boys at college, from which a strong team can be marshalled. uo was uil nara Dy me local bovs ouuuuy me inangies meet the Plainfield A. A. on Horner's Field at The Navy Department hopes that the present inadequacy will be speed it r. in.

The line up and summary: Triangles Tobin.c. Oram, Golfers Raise $100 for American Red Cross Puray, Smith, Garriesi, ily remedied so that the men so vitally needed may be got into training without much further delay. It is pointed out that there was not a training station south of Norfolk, but that now one has been opened at LETTER HERB FOR MANHATTAN GIANTS. There Is a letter at this office for the manager of the Manhattan Giants. Application should be made to the sporting department.

Darrah, Pries, Fritz.lf.;' uwis Mensier, Bailey, weiscnaaei, jantcna, Pensacola, and another at Char Owls Leave the Field After Umpire's Decision in the 11th Inning With their own umpires' decision against them the much heralded Owl A. of Sayreville, left the field on Decoration Day morning and thereby forfeited a game to the Triangle A. A. of this citv. The locals got off to an early start having a lead of 3 to 0 in the third inning, but the.

Sayreville lads soon caught up. As the game progressed the score see-sawed until the ending of the ninth when it stood 5 to 5, but in the eleventh, a pair of hits combined with an error by Fritz soon netted three runs for the Owls, making it 8 to 5. Not to be outdone. Stuart opened the inning by cracking a triple against the score board, Tobin fanned, Oram got on on an Infield hit, Purdy whaled a single to center, Stuart and Oram scoring, In stretching the hit Wetschadcl threw to Mensler who muffed the throw; Purdy then went to third. Then the Owls protested, saying that the runner was only entitled to second, but the umpire would not weisonaaei, Keller, Wtaeen- Two More Series Rolled in Tourney Two more series have been rolled in the Hopkins duck pin tournament, and as in the initial match, both were closely contested.

Smith and Van Deursen won four out of seven games from Brannigan and Stevens last, night. On Tuesday night, W. Hopkins and Coyne won and lost the same number of grimes. In this match Hopkins and Coyne rolled ey, Popp, Hart, p. leston, S.

C. Men enlisting, from the South, it is said, will be sent to these two stations. Owls 0003001100 38 A. A. Z100000110 3-Three 'base hit Popp, Stuart.

On the Trail of the Two base hit Weischadd, Purdv. More than $100 was realized for the American Red Cross fund as a result of the handicap golf tourna-met conducted at the New Brunswick Country Club on Wednesday. An entrance fee of $1 was charged, but entrants were not confined to that amount. The money will be sent to France for the benefit of ambulance work there. About $100 was raised la the same way at the Trenton Country Club.

The sum of $120 was raised at the Westfleld Golf "Club. At 6 o'clock on Wednesday night, Bal-tusrol golfers had subscribed more than enough to buy an ambulance for the French front, At that time $1,700 was in the hands of the Umpires Garrigan and Burke. Knights of St. Peter PATERSON TEAM CH.U,liN(;i;s. Leo Harkins will captain the Knights of St.

Peter team in the remaining games of the season. The election took place offer the game with the Laurels. The team has been playing without a captain The Columblas of Paterson issue a challenge to local teams averaging 14 or 16 years. If the expenses are guaranteed, the Columbian guarantee 280, the best team sroie (n date. Two more tqams have been entered the Haydon brothers', and Clark and Krenti, making eisht in all.

The Bfores of the last two matches follow: First. Brannigan, 125, 112, 1 03, 8'. 87. 104, 83; Stevens, 133, 04, 92, to play. Address Jaiuoa Mekandone, 497 Sumnior street, Paturson, N.

J. Jimmy Harkins has organized a good looking club of ball tossers. A fan can tell a baseball player when he sees one at a moment's glance. The Knights' players handle themselves well, and present a good appearance. 108 99 8S Smith', 143, 1 16, 82.

96 83, 103. 77; Van Deursen, OK, 95, T4, 112, 109, 131, 106. Second Scrips. Bastedo, 71. SI, 104 111, 107, 103, 126; Ellison, 123, 107, 94, 111, 84.

113,98. W. Hopkins, 9S. 112 123. 136, 102.

90; Coyne, 104, 116. 105, 90, 144, 122. 108. Stern Brothers Against the Laurels the local team fumbled frequently, making eight errors to their opponents two. Hol- man, who was catching, had rather a bad afternoon of it with three West 43rd Street (Belween 5 th an 6th Avenues) NEW YORK I West 42nd Street Jamesburg and Helmetta Teams in 5-Game Series The Trentonians were outbatted by a considerable margin, eight hits The Kite must have just to four.

Frank Jeffearieaas came back and played center field. He had two safe blows, and Earl Harkins the same number. Azat's triple A Sale of Women's Blouses Tomorrow, will present these worth while economies: the seventh counted in the scor enough tau to tiy-no more ing. JAMESBURG, Juup 1 The old-time spirit of rivalry has already been aroused in the five game series to be played between Jamesburg and Helmetta that will be staged commencing with Saturday of this week. The first game will be played at Jamesburg and this means that the locals are riglit in shape to register a win over the Snuffmakers.

Jamesburg will rely on the De-Mott brothers as the battery and their win over the duPont. team The time made by the players in On the Second Floor the base circling contest follows: Holman, 17 2-5 seconds; L. Har- must have iust enouefh food to be kines, 16 seconds; Morales, 17 2-5 seconds; Jefferjes, disqualified for healthy too much makes him ill too little starves him. "When men po to not touching third; Jennings. 16 seconds; E.

Harkins, 17 seconds: D. On the Main Floor Handkerchief Linen Blouses with collar and cuffs of stripes and polka dots; Batiste with fine frills, tuckings and smart black bow at neck and wrist, at $2.75 Worth $3.95 extremes thev-alwavs vvronc? The Wednesday should make the fans New Tailored Blouses of men's wear crepe and heavy quality Japanese silk, custom made, with large smart pique collars and cuffs, $4.95 Worth $7.90 balanced man does not believe in too much or feel secure. On the other hand Harding, 16 3-5 seconds; Azat, IS 4-5 seconds; Mitchell, fell after touching second. Mondoker will have probably the strongest line up of the career of Hogarty'a sharpshooting was ef fective except in the sixth and sev enth innings, when the local team the Helmetta team. He has been quietly gathering up players about the county and will have a star battery that will be the equal of the locals if his plans do not miscarry.

collected five of their six runs. G-oeghan's generosity in issuing Already quite a little money has been waged on the contest and feel too little of anything. Tor feo years BUDWE1 SER-an honest brew of Barley-Malt and Saazer Hops has made for true temperance. When rationally used this mild beverage imparts a kindly humanity, and its wholesome juices benefit the entire body. BUDWEISER sales exceed other beers by millions of bottles.


Vttuort to St. Louis it. couneomly invited la irapci our pUnt covn 142 tern. Anheuser'Busch Newark Agency Distributors Newark, N. J.

two bases on balls in the eighth inning led to the Laurels staging a rally, which was productive of three runs. It came aftertwo men had been retired. Women's Tub Silk Petticoats Another remarkable offering on the Main Floor Tomorrow ing is running high. Come early if you want a good seat. The usual Fourth of July game will be played between the teams at Helmetta in connection with the big festival of the Helmetta club.

Earl Rarkins, who was badly spiked in the knee in this inning will probably be out of the game for two or three weeks. A Sale of Women's Silk Gloves Two desirable styles, at the unusually low price of 98c pair Biarritz loose wrist model with strap and clasp, Milanese quality also two-clasp extra heavy Milanese quality, with fancy 5-row crochet embroidery .75 at 'Tommy Barlow, who established Makes Pure Red Blood CHASC0-VIN The Best Spring Tonic BUILDS YOU UP. INCREASES YOUR VITALITY. ONE BOTTLE WILL PROVE IT a reputation as a basketball player with the De Neri Eastern League team, is considerable of a back stop. He can hit and has a good throwing arm.

Made of Satin Striped and Plain Habutai, with, plaited flounce; some have double panels; in a wide range of fashionable colorings. Some of the U. S. Marines and sol diers stationed in this city were pres LEWIS H. HOAGLAND.

cor. George and Paterson Streets. ent. They were invited by the management, i NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. To the credit of Tim Kane, it may be said that he did not try to "pt anything over on the officials in Wednesday's race.

He entered the contest at the last minute without SUMMER CLOTHES any training. He soon found it a difficult thing to run without prep Fire escapes and other alterations to Schools Nos. 1 and 2, Sayreville township, New Jersey. Sealed bids and proposals will be received and opened by the loivd of Education of Sayreville Township, N. at a meeting of the board at Schol house No.

1, Sayreville township, N. on June 12, 1917, at eight o'clock p. for the erection and completion of fire escapes, and. othei alterations, to Schools No. 1 an.J No.

2. in the township of Sayreville, N. aration and he jumped into an auto, Y2t Stock now complete. New lines of and rode part of the way. He got Women's Untrimmed Millinery, An interesting sale on the Main Floor Khaki Hats at 65c to 2.25 I Milan Sport Hats at $2.95 Desirable sport models.

I In' white only. Taffeta and Silk Hats at $2.25 to 3.50 In white, navy and black -military and naval models. out of the machine at the Neilson Blue Serges, Gray Serges, Homespuns, Field entrance and ran around, the track and then told the officials what he had done. according to plans and specifications Jmmy McKeon was given too much and Worsteds, made up in young menjs and other models for summer wear. Prices $12.50 to $25.00 leeway in the handicaps.

He was so far ahead of the other runners that he walked a part of the distance prepared by William H. fioylan, architect, and which plans and specifications can be seen at the office of Fred Werner, District Clerk, Sayreville. N. or at the office of William H. 5oy-lan, architect, roms 314-316, National Bank Building, New Brunswick, N.

J. Each bid and proposal must be ac after crosseng t'ae -Albany street ain Floor Specials for Saturday: bridge. No fault can be found with the handicapper, however, as McKeon had never participated in a race before. He is a Holy Crofes man, but did no running while at companied Dy a certmea check on a National Bank or Trust of New college. payable to Abram Feihle, cus todlan, without any conditional en dorsem*nts whatever, for $300.00.

STRAW HATS The famous LYON-PARKS, up to former value at the usual price TWO DOLLARS. FINE PANAMAS, $5.00. Organdie Collar and Cuff Sets at 65c a set in white, tan, blue and flesh color; unusual value. A REGISTRATION QUERY. Copies of plans and specifications may be secured from the said District Clerk or said architect upon the deposit of $10, which deposit will be returned upon the return of clans and Sporting Editor, Home News: Is it necessary for me to register on June I will be 21 on the day specifications on or before the date of KNOX SENNETS, $3.00.

.75 Hand Bags at opening bids. The successful bidders must enter into a contract prepared by the Board Suit Cases at $3.95 Black enamel duck, reinforced corners, deep tray and pocket, strap fas- teners; 24, 26 and 28 ins. a of Education, furnish a bond In the Made of white, navy, tan or grey silk, new models; also white kid; very special; worth $2.75 amount of 75 per cent, of the amount of bid within ten (10) days after con tract hag been awarded. of July 10, and I want to know if I must register. Kindly advise on the sporting page in Friday's edition.

I remain, Yours, S. F. (If your 21st birthday is on July 10, 1917, you do not have to register. If your birthday fell on June 6, you would not have to register, but if the 21st birthday of any male person falls on any day prior to the date of registration and he has not reached his 31st birthday, he must register. Sporting Ed.) in noara oi Education reserves the right to reject any or all bids lisle Combination Suits at 59c Made with French band tops; tight or loose knea; sizes 36 to 44; unusual value.

which may seem best, In Its judgment, for the Interest of the township. Dated, 1917. F. L. FULLA VI.

President. FRED WKHNKR, District Clerk..

The Central New Jersey Home News from New Brunswick, New Jersey (2024)


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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.